You've Heard The Birds Singing?

You've heard the birds singing?They appeared early, singing and bringing welcome to you.
Today I asked only for some of them were up to you and sing a little.
If this is the Nature which delights you, so let's sing together ...It is the endless sea that makes you forget some problems?
Come, let us contemplate the immensity and lose ourselves in so many thoughts and do whatever was weight, becoming feeling.I think that must be why he is so immense ...
The brightness of the sun was eclipsed when you came ...They had no chance at all this beauty.
What you are feeling is uniqueWhat will be felt well.What turns tomorrow and beyond
You know that the good things in life come and go without giving explanation ...
But always there in front understand everythingAnd happiness always seen double.For it was you who set up this day after day ...
If someone tried to pull you downAnd because you have conquered the heights without even realizing ...
Continues to shine because this is your lightContinue with this charming personWhich I'll take for ever and everI do not know.
